PE Mixed MCQ Quiz 31

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Physical Education Mixed MCQs

PE Mixed MCQ Quiz 31

Physical Education Quiz 31

1 / 20

1. Which of the following is an intrinsic reward of sports ?

2 / 20

2. Which of the following planes of the body divide it into upper and lower parts ?

3 / 20

3. Which of the following tests is not used to measure muscular endurance ?

4 / 20

4. Sternum is the part of

5 / 20

5. Lean Body Mass is

6 / 20

6. The first vertebrae is called :-

7 / 20

7. Which style of Kabaddi is officially recognized ?

8 / 20

8. Aerobic fitness is best achieved through

9 / 20

9. Adaptation to training load at high altitude is known as :-

10 / 20

10. Which sportsman’s autobiography is titled “To Hell with Hockey “ ?

11 / 20

11. Generally the upper age limit for a boxer to compete in Olympic Game:-

12 / 20

12. How many time keepers should check the performance before a world record can be considered in the track events ?

13 / 20

13. What is the aim of physical education ?

14 / 20

14. Professional ethics in Physical Education includes :-

15 / 20

15. The First Asian Games were held in the year :-

16 / 20

16. Who are the participants in Special Olympics

17 / 20

17. Effective communication is essential in sports management to keep alive its :-

18 / 20

18. Sports Talent Search Scholarship Scheme was launched in :-

19 / 20

19. “Round Robin” is related to :

20 / 20

20. In weightlifting competition the increase in weight between two attempts must not be less than

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Quiz : Questions And Answers:-

In weightlifting competition the increase in weight between two attempts must not be less than

2.5 Kg
8 Kg
10 Kg
2 Kg

“Round Robin” is related to :

Knock – out Tournament
Ladder Tournament
Combination Tournament
League Tournament

Sports Talent Search Scholarship Scheme was launched in :-

1970 – 71
1975 – 76
1977 – 78
1980 – 81

Effective communication is essential in sports management to keep alive its :-


Who are the participants in Special Olympics

Physically disabilities
Intellectual disabilities
vision Impairment.

The First Asian Games were held in the year :-


Professional ethics in Physical Education includes :-

Physical Proficiency
Moral Values
Emotional Stability

What is the aim of physical education ?

Physical Development
A wholesome development of an individual
Growth and development
All of the above

How many time keepers should check the performance before a world record can be considered in the track events ?

3 including one chief time keeper
2 including one chief time keeper
4 including one chief time keeper
5 including one chief time keeper

Generally the upper age limit for a boxer to compete in Olympic Game:-

40 Years
42 Years
44 Years
43 Years

Which sportsman’s autobiography is titled “To Hell with Hockey “ ?

Captain Roop Singh
Major Dhyan Chand
Syed Mushtaq Ali
Aslam Sher Khan

Adaptation to training load at high altitude is known as :-

Super Compensation
None of the above

Aerobic fitness is best achieved through

Circuit Training
Short Sprints
Long distance running

Which style of Kabaddi is officially recognized ?


The first vertebrae is called :-

Spinal Cord

Lean Body Mass is

Muscle, bone and other non fat tissues of the body
Fatty tissues of the body
Total body wight
None of the above

Sternum is the part of

Pelvic Girdle
Shoulder Girdle
None of the above

Which of the following tests is not used to measure muscular endurance ?

Sit up
Flexed arm hang
12 meters run walk
Long distance walk

Which of the following planes of the body divide it into upper and lower parts ?


Which of the following is an intrinsic reward of sports ?

Self Esteem

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