You are currently viewing PE Mixed MCQs Quiz 5 : 50 Most Important MCQs

PE Mixed MCQs Quiz 5

PE Mixed MCQs Quiz 5 is Part 5 of the PE Mixed MCQs series. This quiz contains 50 questions that are important for your physical education exam preparation, as they have been asked in previous PE exams such as NVS, KVS, DSSSB, and various state exams.

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Physical Education 50 MCQs Quiz

PE Mixed MCQs Quiz 5 : 50 Most Important MCQs

50 MCQs Quiz 5

Tell Us About Yourself

1 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

1. From the following which test can be used to measure the lower body flexibility of senior citizens?

2 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

2. Arjun Lal Jat is associated from which game?

3 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

3. ………. is the product of stroke volume and heart rate.

4 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

4. What is the formula to find number of matches in league tournament?

5 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

5. Calcium is required for the body to

6 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

6. The most ideal form for teaching skill is

7 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

7. Physical activity is basically a

8 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

8. In psychology, which of the following is considered as the most objective method?

9 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

9. Code of ethics is considered to be a

10 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

10. Meaning of Psyche is

11 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

11. Which city hosted the first National Games?

12 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

12. The most important Motto of Physical Education is

13 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

13. Term Free Throw is used in

14 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

14. “Mango Cup” is associated with which game?

15 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

15. Sports management is

16 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

16. Where were the first SAF games held?

17 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

17. Which of the following period has the fastest rate of growth?

18 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

18. From the following which test can be used to measure the cardiovascular fitness for senior citizens?

19 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

19. The length and breadth of hockey playing field is

20 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

20. Lakshmi Bai National Institute of Physical Education is located at

21 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

21. Carbohydrate loading mostly helps-

22 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

22. Which communicable disease is also known as Hansen’s Disease?

23 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

23. Which of the following objective of physical education was not proposed by Clark?

24 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

24. The main function of hemoglobin is

25 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

25. The Rohinton Baria Trophy is associated with which game?

26 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

26. Negative transfer of training means

27 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

27. Which of the following is not an aspect of motivation?

28 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

28. Which one of the following does not include the principle of sports training

29 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

29. Which of the following gets greater food value?

30 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

30. How many calories does one gram of carbohydrate provide?

31 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

31. Protein form the major part of diet for

32 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

32. The main cause of obesity is

33 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

33. Number of flights in 110 m hurdle race is

34 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

34. Badminton was included for the first time in Asian Games in the year

35 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

35. Shivanthi Gold Cup is associated with which sport?

36 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

36. Type of motivation are

a.Extrinsic  b. Reinforcement  c. Bio feedback  d. Intrinsic

37 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

37.  “Black Card” is a regulatory option in which of the following games?

a.Ice Hockey  b. Fencing  c. Table Tennis  d. Hockey  e. Badminton

38 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

38. What kind of workouts lead to increased muscle mass and strength?

39 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

39. Which one of the following component is not considered an element of health related fitness?

40 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

40. The instrument used for estimation of body fat is

41 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

41. Fat is stored in the body predominantly

42 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

42. The key component of health related fitness is

43 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

43. Which one of the following is not a cause for the occurrence of plateau in learning?

44 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

44. Which is most effective method for self learning?

45 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

45. Freehand Activity generally done in group is called

46 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

46. Systematics weight training may lead to tremendous development in

47 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

47. Sarcoplasm exists in

48 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

48. When was the Women Football included in Olympics for the first time?

49 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

49. The chief source of Vitamin A is

50 / 50

Category: Physical Education Mixed MCQs

50. Ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the diet of an adult individual should be

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Quiz: Questions And Answers:-

The Rohinton Baria Trophy is associated with which game?


The main function of hemoglobin is

Attract and carry oxygen
Stimulate blood supply
Absorb glucose
Help in clotting of blood

Which of the following is not an aspect of motivation?


Fat is stored in the body predominantly

In muscles and liver
In the stomach
As glycogen
As triglycerides, fatty acid and adipose tissue

Badminton was included for the first time in Asian Games in the year


 “Black Card” is a regulatory option in which of the following games?

a.Ice Hockey  b. Fencing  c. Table Tennis  d. Hockey  e. Badminton

a, d
c, e
b, e
b, d

Which one of the following is not a cause for the occurrence of plateau in learning?

Physiological limit

The length and breadth of hockey playing field is

90.40 x 55 m
92.40 x 56 m
91.40 x 55 m
92.40 x 57 m

Sarcoplasm exists in

Nerve Cell
Muscle cell

How many calories does one gram of carbohydrate provide?


The main cause of obesity is

Develop the habit of frequent eating
Taking in more calories than you burn
Follow no rules in eating
Participate in strengthens exercise

Which is most effective method for self learning?

Demonstration Method
Observation Method
Lecture Method
Task Method

Type of motivation are

a.Extrinsic  b. Reinforcement  c. Bio feedback  d. Intrinsic

a and d
a and c
b and c
b and d

Physical activity is basically a

Social Attitude
Biological Necessity
Psychological tendency
Philosophical concept

Calcium is required for the body to

Strengthen bones, teeth etc.
Breath easily
Improve eye sight
Purify food

Shivanthi Gold Cup is associated with which sport?


Which of the following objective of physical education was not proposed by Clark?

Physical Fitness
Social Efficiency
Neuromuscular Coordination
Cultural Development

………. is the product of stroke volume and heart rate.

Blood Pressure
Tidal Air Capacity
Cardiac Output
Blood Flow

Protein form the major part of diet for

Strength dominating sports
Endurance dominating sports
Speed Dominating sports
Both B and C

Which communicable disease is also known as Hansen’s Disease?

Hepatitis A

Ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the diet of an adult individual should be


Which one of the following component is not considered an element of health related fitness?

Body Composition
Cardiovascular Strength
Muscular Strength
Reaction Time

From the following which test can be used to measure the cardiovascular fitness for senior citizens?

Cooper’s 12 minute run
60 m run
Six minutes walk test
Eight foot up and go test

What kind of workouts lead to increased muscle mass and strength?

Strength training
Endurance training
Speed Endurance training
Speed training

Code of ethics is considered to be a

Sort of professional oath
Set of formalized rules
Commitment to the profession
Matter of personal philosophy

Systematics weight training may lead to tremendous development in

Muscular Strength
Reaction Time
Speed of Movement
Strength Endurance

Which one of the following does not include the principle of sports training

Progression of load
Cyclicity of training
Economy of movement

The key component of health related fitness is

Cardiovascular Endurance
Body composition
Muscular Strength

From the following which test can be used to measure the lower body flexibility of senior citizens?

Chair sit and reach test
Sit and reach test
Back scratch test
Eight foot up and go test

Which of the following period has the fastest rate of growth?


Meaning of Psyche is


In psychology, which of the following is considered as the most objective method?

Case Study

Negative transfer of training means

No learning
Obstruction in learning
Learning with left hand
Learning wrong skills

The most ideal form for teaching skill is

Single line
Semi circle

What is the formula to find number of matches in league tournament?

(n – 1)/2
(n + 1)/2
[n(n – 1)]/2
[n(n + 1)]/2

Where were the first SAF games held?


Which city hosted the first National Games?

New Delhi

Term Free Throw is used in


When was the Women Football included in Olympics for the first time?


Lakshmi Bai National Institute of Physical Education is located at


The most important Motto of Physical Education is

Healthy body and healthy mind
Healthy body
Healthy society and motion
Healthy mind

Arjun Lal Jat is associated from which game?

High Jump

Sports management is

An art
A science
Both A and B
None of these

Freehand Activity generally done in group is called

Drill and Marching
Weight Training

“Mango Cup” is associated with which game?


The chief source of Vitamin A is


The instrument used for estimation of body fat is

The instrument used for estimation of body fat is Flexmometer
Skin fold caliper

Which of the following gets greater food value?

White Eggs
Brown Eggs
Both A and B
Ducks Egg

Carbohydrate loading mostly helps-

Marathon Runners
Power Lifters

Number of flights in 110 m hurdle race is


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