Pole Vault Quiz : 15 Important MCQs

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Pole Vault Quiz

The pole vault is an exciting and challenging track and field event in which athletes use a long, flexible pole to vault over a high bar. The event begins with the vaulter sprinting down a runway while gripping the pole. As the vaulter plants the pole into a special box, they use its energy to propel themselves upward and over the bar.

The pole bends during the jump, and as it straightens, it launches the athlete into the air. Vaulting requires a combination of speed, strength, flexibility, and technique. Athletes must clear a height set by the competition rules without knocking the bar off its stand. If they do, they move on to the next round.

The pole vault is unique because the pole serves as both a springboard and a tool for vertical leap, offering one of the most visually captivating moments in track and field competitions.

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Pole Vault Quiz : 15 Important MCQs

Pole Vault

Tell Us About Yourself

1 / 15

Category: Athletics

1. What materials are commonly used to make modern pole vaulting poles? 

2 / 15

Category: Athletics

2. In which year did women's pole vault make its Olympic debut?

3 / 15

Category: Athletics

3. In which year was the pole-vaulting technique "Volzing" banned by the IAAF? 

4 / 15

Category: Athletics

4. What are the pole-vault box dimensions(in m)?

5 / 15

Category: Athletics

5. In which year was bamboo first recorded as being used for pole vaulting poles?

6 / 15

Category: Athletics

6. In which year did men's pole vault make its Olympic debut?

7 / 15

Category: Athletics

7. In which decade were steel poles introduced in pole vaulting?

8 / 15

Category: Athletics

8. Which of the following is the correct sequence in pole vaulting? 

9 / 15

Category: Athletics

9. What is the typical length range of a pole used in pole vaulting? 

10 / 15

Category: Athletics

10. How many maximum attempts does each competitor have per height in pole vaulting? 

11 / 15

Category: Athletics

11. In which year was bamboo first recorded as being used for pole vaulting poles?

12 / 15

Category: Athletics

12. What materials were used for the poles in the earliest pole vault contests?

13 / 15

Category: Athletics

13. The origins of modern pole vaulting can be traced to which location, where the first height-based competition was held in 1843? 

14 / 15

Category: Athletics

14. In which decade was the pole-vaulting format adopted by a gymnastics association in Germany? 

15 / 15

Category: Athletics

15. Which of the following is not True related to Paul Vault:

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Pole Vault Quiz: Questions and Answers

The origins of modern pole vaulting can be traced to which location, where the first height-based competition was held in 1843? 

Lancashire, England
Paris, France
Athens, Greece
Rome, Italy

In which decade was the pole-vaulting format adopted by a gymnastics association in Germany? 


What materials were used for the poles in the earliest pole vault contests?

Bamboo with steel tips
Aluminum with rubber ends
Ash or hickory with iron spikes
Wood with plastic spikes

In which year was bamboo first recorded as being used for pole vaulting poles?


In which year was bamboo first recorded as being used for pole vaulting poles?


In which decade were steel poles introduced in pole vaulting?


In which year did women's pole vault make its Olympic debut?


In which year did men's pole vault make its Olympic debut?


How many maximum attempts does each competitor have per height in pole vaulting? 


Which of the following is not True related to Paul Vault:

Athletes can not pass an attempt and progress to a higher height without clearing the current one.
Three consecutive failures at the same height, or combination of heights, leads to elimination. Athletes must initiate their attempt within a set time limit.
Foul attempts include failing to clear the bar and knocking the bar from the supports.
 If the pole breaks, this counts as an equipment failure, not a foul, and the athlete is awarded a replacement trial .

In which year was the pole-vaulting technique "Volzing" banned by the IAAF? 


What are the pole-vault box dimensions(in m)?

1.0 x 0.4 x 0.05
1.12 x 0.6 x 0.18
1.15 x 0. x 0.20
1.08 x 0.6 x 0.15

What is the typical length range of a pole used in pole vaulting? 

3 to 4 metres
4 to 5.20 metres
5 to 6 metres
6 to 7 metres

What materials are commonly used to make modern pole vaulting poles? 

Wood or steel
Fibreglass or carbon fibre
Bamboo or plastic
Aluminium or titanium

Which of the following is the correct sequence in pole vaulting? 

The Approach – Take-off – Swing up – Extension – Turn – Fly-away
The Swing up – Take-off – Extension – Approach – Turn – Fly-away
The Approach – Extension – Take-off – Turn – Swing up – Fly-away
The Fly-away – Turn – Take-off – Swing up – Approach – Extension

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