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Long Jump Quiz:-

Long Jump is a track and field event in Athletics. It was part of ancient Pentathlon games. It was included in Olympics games first Olympics event in Athens. Women’s event was included in 1948, London Olympics. It requires blend of speed, strength and techniques for a successful jump. This Quiz covers essential aspects of the game, including measurements, techniques, and history.

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Long Jump Quiz: 10+ Important MCQs for PE Exams

Long Jump

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Category: Long Jump

1. Since which Olympic Games has the women’s long jump been part of the competition?

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Category: Long Jump

2. Which country is Carl Lewis, widely regarded as the greatest long jumper of all time, from?

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Category: Long Jump

3. In addition to the long jump, which disciplines were part of the ancient Olympic pentathlon event?

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Category: Long Jump

4. What are the dimensions of the landing area in the long jump?

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Category: Long Jump

5. Which of the following technique is not related to Long Jump

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Category: Long Jump

6. How long is the runway that competitors use in the long jump?

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Category: Long Jump

7. What is the maximum allowable wind speed for a long jump to be considered valid?

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Category: Long Jump

8. To achieve a maximum jumping distance, at what angle do athletes generally try to leave the ground in the long jump?

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Category: Long Jump

9. What is the width of the long jump take-off board made of wood or synthetic material?

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Category: Long Jump

10. Since which Olympic Games has the men’s long jump been part of the competition?

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Category: Long Jump

11. What are the dimensions of the Plasticine Indicator Board used to indicate a foul in the long jump?

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Long Jump Quiz : Question Bank-

Below are all the questions that are included in the quiz.

Since which Olympic Games has the men’s long jump been part of the competition?


Since which Olympic Games has the women’s long jump been part of the competition?


Which country is Carl Lewis, widely regarded as the greatest long jumper of all time, from?

United Kingdom
United States

How long is the runway that competitors use in the long jump?

30 metres
40 metres
45 metres
50 metres

What is the width of the long jump take-off board made of wood or synthetic material?


What are the dimensions of the Plasticine Indicator Board used to indicate a foul in the long jump?

1.50m in length and 12cm in width
1.22m in length and 10cm in width
1.00m in length and 8cm in width
1.30m in length and 15cm in width

What is the maximum allowable wind speed for a long jump to be considered valid?


To achieve a maximum jumping distance, at what angle do athletes generally try to leave the ground in the long jump?

45 degrees
20 degrees or less
25 degrees
30 degrees

Which of the following technique is not related to Long Jump

Hitch Kick
Fosbury Flop

In addition to the long jump, which disciplines were part of the ancient Olympic pentathlon event?

Running, javelin throw, discus throw, and wrestling
Running, shot put, pole vault, and boxing
Javelin throw, discus throw, wrestling, and chariot racing
Running, high jump, javelin throw, and equestrian events

What are the dimensions of the landing area in the long jump?

8m in length and 2.5m in width
10m in length and 3m in width
9m in length and 3.5m in width
9m in length and 2.75m in width

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