History of Kho Kho

Origins and Early Development:

  • Ancient Roots: Kho Kho is believed to have originated in India. Historical references indicate its roots date back to ancient times when it was played on chariots called “Rath”.
  • Modern Kho Kho: The game evolved over time, and its current form was formalized in the early 20th century.

Rules and Governance:

  • National Kho Kho Championships: Organized annually in India since 1959.
  • International Kho Kho Federation: Established in 1987 to govern and promote Kho Kho internationally.

Notable Championships:

  • Asian Kho Kho Championship: The first championship held in Kolkata in 1996.
  • South Asian Games: Kho Kho was included in the South Asian Games in 2016.

    Key Organizations:

    • Kho Kho Federation of India (KKFI): Governs Kho Kho in India, established in 1955.
    • International Kho Kho Federation (IKKF): Governs international competitions and events.

    Measurement and Dimension of Kho Kho Field

    • Field Length: 27 meters
    • Field Width: 16 meters
    • Central Lane: Divides the field into two halves, 24 meters long and 30 cm wide.
    • Free Zone: Area at each end of the field, 2.75 meters long.

    Kho Kho Gear

    • Attire: Players wear shorts and T-shirts for ease of movement.
    • Footwear: Lightweight shoes with good grip are recommended.

    Rules of Kho Kho

    Team Composition:

    • Each Kho Kho team consists of 12 players, with 9 players taking the field for a match.

    Match Structure:

    • Duration: A match consists of two innings, with each inning lasting 9 minutes for chasing and 9 minutes for defending.
    • Objective: The main objective is for the chasing team to tag as many defenders as possible within the allotted time.


    • Tagging: Points are awarded when a chaser successfully tags a defender.
    • Inning Points: Teams switch roles after each inning, and the team with the most points at the end wins the match.

    Timeouts and Breaks:

    • Teams are allowed a brief break between innings.


    • Substitutions are allowed during the match, with players rotating roles between chasing and defending.


    • Referee: Controls the match, enforces rules, and makes decisions.
    • Umpires: Assist the referee in enforcing rules and making decisions.
    • Scorers and Timekeepers: Maintain the official score and manage the match clock.

    Fouls and Violations:

    • Late Entry: If a defender enters the field late, the opposing team is awarded points.
    • Illegal Tag: Tags that do not conform to the rules result in no points awarded.

    Notable Championships and Awards

    Asian Kho Kho Championship:

    • A major international event that showcases top teams from across Asia.

    South Asian Games:

    • A significant platform where Kho Kho is featured, highlighting its prominence in the region.

    National Championships:

    • Organized annually in India, bringing together the best teams from various states.

    Key Milestones in Kho Kho

    • 1955: Establishment of the Kho Kho Federation of India (KKFI).
    • 1987: Formation of the International Kho Kho Federation (IKKF).
    • 1996: First Asian Kho Kho Championship held in Kolkata.
    • 2016: Inclusion of Kho Kho in the South Asian Games.

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