PE Mixed MCQ Quiz 22

PE Mixed MCQ Quiz 22

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Physical Education Mixed MCQs

PE Mixed MCQ Quiz 22

Physical Education Quiz 22

1 / 20

1. Which of the following vitamin is a fat soluble vitamin?

2 / 20

2. Among elite endurance athlete the stroke volume remains upto-

3 / 20

3. You want to develop cooperation and team spirit in students? Which activities would you propose?

4 / 20

4. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

5 / 20

5. What process begins immediately after the physical activity is terminated?

6 / 20

6. The earliest model to explain the relationship between athletic performance and arousal is explained by-

7 / 20

7. The type of communication that the teacher has in the classroom is termed as-

8 / 20

8. Principles of learning can be used to-

9 / 20

9. Hypoxia refers to-

10 / 20

10. Imaginary line passing laterally from one side to other is called-

11 / 20

11. How many numbers of spikes may be used by an athlete in spike shoes?

12 / 20

12. For the 3000 m steeple chase event how many water jumps are used-

13 / 20

13. The Gene Doping appears on the prohibited list for the first time in which year?

14 / 20

14. Trail races typically have been related to which  sports

15 / 20

15. Which of the following organs does not have  glycogen storage ?

16 / 20

16. The optimal angle of release of an object, the performance depends upon-

17 / 20

17. The biofeedback is related with

18 / 20

18. The self-esteem is referred as

19 / 20

19. The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation is to develop which motor ability?

20 / 20

20. Plateau in competitive sports career is-

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The average score is 62%


Quiz : Questions And Answers:-

Plateau in competitive sports career is-

Constant load
No training load
Stagnation in performance
Stereotype training

The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation is to develop which motor ability?


The self-esteem is referred as

I think I can do
I think I cannot do
Lack of concentration
Mental distraction

The biofeedback is related with

Motor development
Body sensations

The optimal angle of release of an object, the performance depends upon-

Weight, Shape and size of object
Height of release
Angular force applied

Which of the following organs does not have  glycogen storage ?


Trail races typically have been related to which  sports


The Gene Doping appears on the prohibited list for the first time in which year?


For the 3000 m steeple chase event how many water jumps are used-

4 jumps
7 jumps
3 jumps
6 jumps

How many numbers of spikes may be used by an athlete in spike shoes?


Imaginary line passing laterally from one side to other is called-

Sagittal axis
Sagittal plane
Vertical axis
Lateral axis

Hypoxia refers to-

Inadequate oxygen reaching to cells
Sufficient oxygen reaching to cells
Inadequate oxygen reaching to tissues
Sufficient oxygen reaching to tissues

Principles of learning can be used to-

Facilitate learning in a big way
Provide happy learning experiences students
Understand, analyze and manage human behaviour
Produce Stronger transfer Effects

The type of communication that the teacher has in the classroom is termed as-

Mass communication
Group communication
Face to face communication

The earliest model to explain the relationship between athletic performance and arousal is explained by-

Drive theory
Inverted U hypothesis
Big five model

What process begins immediately after the physical activity is terminated?

The relaxation process
The resting process
The recovery process
The recreational process

Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

Piaget- Two Factor Theory
Maslow- Hierarchy of Needs
Thorndike- Trial and Error
Skinner- Programmed Learning

You want to develop cooperation and team spirit in students? Which activities would you propose?

Group work

Among elite endurance athlete the stroke volume remains upto-

70 to 90 ml/beat
50 to 70 ml/beat
80 to 90ml/beat
90 to 110 ml/beat

Which of the following vitamin is a fat soluble vitamin?


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